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Using Aave Library

Arkiver comes with a standard set of libraries which enable indexing standard protocols easier. Libraries are normal Arkives which may be interacted with with mongoose from within your Arkive or via the graphql endpoint externally. AaveLib is primarily focused on indexing transaction history and metadata associated with the Aave protocol. It indexes supply and borrow rates, as well as other debt and assets of the Aave market.


To add any library to the Arkive you must add it to the manifest. First add a contract using the contract keyword, and then add a library with the use keyword. Example:

import { Manifest, AaveLib, type AaveOpts  } from './deps.ts'

const manifest = new Manifest('Aave')
const opts = AaveOpts({
secondsInterval: how big of a window to snapshot e.g. daily, minutely, etc...
startBlockHeight: beginning of the index
blockInterval: How often to update within the snapshot window.
export default



This is the Aave Interval data which shows you the lending and borrow rate over time. Each time a snapshot is captured a new interval data object is created pool: The Aave pool the interval data is pertaining to timestamp: timestamp of event liquidityRate: Supply Rate variableBorrowRate: Variable borrow rate, stableBorrowRate: Stable borrow rate totalSupply: Total Supply of receipt tokens totalDebt: total borrowed

LendingPool The lending pool object which contains the symbol and tokens of each pool. protocol: The protocol this pool is on network: The network this pool is on underlyingSymbol: The symbol of the pool underlying: The Token objects in the pool.

Erc20Token The token object holds the symbol and decimals information of a given ERC20 address: Address of token network: Network of token decimals: Number of decimals of the token symbol: Symbol of the token