📄️ Optimizing your handler functions
Optimizing your handler functions is crucial to achieving the best performance
📄️ Using Erc721Lib
Arkiver comes with a standard set of libraries which enable indexing standard protocols easier. Libraries are normal Arkives which may be interacted with with mongoose from within your Arkive or via the graphql endpoint externally. Erc721Lib is primarily focused on indexing transaction history and metadata associated with NFTs.
📄️ Using Aave Library
Arkiver comes with a standard set of libraries which enable indexing standard protocols easier. Libraries are normal Arkives which may be interacted with with mongoose from within your Arkive or via the graphql endpoint externally. AaveLib is primarily focused on indexing transaction history and metadata associated with the Aave protocol. It indexes supply and borrow rates, as well as other debt and assets of the Aave market.