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Best Practices

RPC calls and DB queries should be executed in parallel whenever possible

To optimize efficient execution of your handlers, all queries should be executed in parallel with Promise.all().

Instead of:

await token0 = client.readContract({ abi, address, functionName: "token0" })
await token1 = client.readContract({ abi, address, functionName: "token1" })

Try this:

    const [ token0Address, token1Address ] = await Promise.all([
client.readContract({ abi, address, functionName: "token0" }),
client.readContract({ abi, address, functionName: "token1" })

Or even better, use multicall!

const [ token0Address, token1Address ] = await client.multicall({
contracts: [
functionName: 'token0',
functionName: 'token1'

Caching should be used for queries which are repeated

Cache queries to the database like this:

async () =>
await Balance.findOne({ account: from })

Cache is not permanent storage

The cache is stored in RAM, so you cannot depend on the data persisting if there's any interruption in the indexing (Eg maintenance). In order to prevent logical bugs cache should only be used to store entities from the database or the results of RPC requests, events which can be replicated and refreshed in the event of the cache being reset.

Use libraries whenever possible.

Making use of the available libraries will make your life easier and result in less code duplication. Currently our available libraries are:

  • Erc721 Library
  • AAVE Library

Use numberToHex and fromHex in order to store bigint numbers.

Using normal javascript numbers with Ethereum style bigints will lead to loss of precision. In order to accurately store data it must be stored as a string.

For example below is the naive implementation one might try:

  userBalance = Number(formatUnits(userBalance, Number(decimals)))
return new Balance({ user, token, balance: Number(userBalance) })

This results in loss of precision if the userBalance is a big enough number. Instead we should store the number as a Hex string using numberToHex()

return new Balance({ user, token, balance: numberToHex(userBalance) })

When you wish to update the balance in this example you might do something like this:

// adjust the balance, increment by "value"
bal.balance = numberToHex(fromHex(bal.balance, 'bigint') + value) // "value" is a bigint

Executing the arithmetic as a bigint keeps the accuracy of the data in tact.